Chain alignment made easy


Backyard Bodger
Staff member
477 Owner
Laser alignment, this unit is sold for setting up rifle sights I believe, fits the chain and points along it to the front sprocket.


BUT ! be aware, it does not come aligned as I just determined.

I fitted it and saw my chain appeared well out of alignment so started to make adjustments, by the time I had the little Red dot centered on my front sprocket I had used up all adjustment back on the right and fully forward on the left!

I was a bit disappointed with both myself and the Laser and assumed it had been designed by an Animal Lover who wanted to give Game a better chance ( it is designed for Rifles after all! ) Coincidently it was off to the left which got me thinking of a serious incident just recently where the Shooter was off to the left also ;)

Of course it can be aligned but has been consigned to the too hard basket instead:)