Maps for the Powertronic V4 for the J-engine


Staff member
477 Owner
Yes, we do have a reasonably well working map for the J-engine 500cc upgrade. It may only be 85-90% optimized but the last 15% would require instruments we do not have access to - like a dyno.
It may also be 100%, the fact is, we can't be sure. The map was done by trial and error during a run in period of approx 1000km and 3 month time, so it is pretty good.
Because we have made less than satisfying experiences with providing the maps for the Himalayan here for free and direct download, they are now only available from me upon request (PM me with your legal name you used in the order) and only for our own customers. If you think this is unfair consider Hitchcocks who will CHARGE you for their maps (and who in general have a much bigger profit margin than we do).
Here, as everywhere, the principle applies: get your support where you purchased.
Good morning.
I have already installed the 410 big bore kit on my RE Classic 350
reborn. I posted my experience at the forum page. After the brake in
period I try to experiment with engine management. I have performance
camshaft plus free flow exhaust and air box. I have a powertronic ecu
with stock maps. The bike runs better with powertronic compared to stock
ecu alone. I tried small changes in the maps and I feel there is
potential in this direction. The problem is that the trial and error
method would demand unpredictable time and effort till I get a
satisfactory result.
So my questions are :
-can you sent me the maps that you made for the 500 big bore kit (j
engine platform)? Even if it proves not the ideal solution I can
continue with small mods on this map.
-can I try the maps for the Himalayan from Sasa as they are provided in
the forum ? Is it a viable option ?
Thanks a lot for your help
I have attached to a PM a zip file with the following maps as they developed for my 500cc meteor from the original Himalayan 477 files.
The first one was done with @Sasa help, the other 2 I did building on that one. The only thing I did was adding successively more fuel to get the knocking away - which in the end was done by modifying the head. I also include the original PT file in case you want to go back to that.
I would start with the Sasa file and go from there. It is unlikely you will have knocking as the 410 does not add that much compression.
Thank you very much. I will start the experiments.

Regarding knocking with the 410 cc overbore kit I have noticed one incidence till now. With the powertronic map 1 and 95 RON gasoline and a hot day (40-42 degrees Celsius) and after cruising in traffic I noticed serious knocking in heavy throttle. The quality of gasoline is not always guaranteed in Greece, so I changed to 98 RON gasoline and no more knocking. So I think that the mapping is marginal for my mods, (bigger bore, camshaft, air box, exhaust) and experimentation is going to follow.

Thanks again for your help!
Yes I use the Kent cam.
I have installed the first map provided. It starts and idles without problem. I have to test it for some days to feel the difference.