I did ride it today albeit only a short distance. But man, I can say, if I had known about this before buying the Guerrilla I would have gone for the 440 scram. RE really did some great upgrades on this bike and the entire feel is different.
It starts with being much more lively from the get go, almost like a 477 with all the extras. Then gear shift is very natural, no holes, and the 6th comes up naturally, like it always belonged there.
The front brake got a work over, I did not verify if its an entirely different caliper or size of the pads, but they respond way better - not quite as good as the floating of the Guerrilla but close.
The bike has tubeless tires, a big plus in my book and the handling of a scram is (and always was) easier for a small person like me,
if anyone doubts the off-road qualities I suggest you watch the "crazy Aussies go scram in Nepal" video somewhere here.
Long story short: very much suggested for newcomers and as a real airhead still simple to maintain. Its a BS6 but as it stands there is no pressing need for a better engine unless you really want to push it.